Currently, there are 60 overseas students studying at School of Food and Biological Engineering;among them, 6 undergraduate students who are taught in English. They come from Indonesia, Algeria, Pakistan, Ghana, Cameroon, Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bengal, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Morocco, Guinea, Egypt, Uganda and Mongolia.
An orientation meeting about research and graduation requirements was organized for the overseas Undergraduate students on Dec.26, 2017. Its purpose is to make overseas students adapt into a relaxed academic environment. At the seminar, Prof. Zhang Hongyin, the Vice-Dean of the School of Food and Biological Engineering, introduced our school. Dr. Zhang Rong made a presentation entitled Undergraduate Student Training Program. The content of the presentation included the courses, internship, Examinations, and graduate requirement, etc. Dr. Hou Jing, as academic advisor, talked to undergraduates.
This event helped the students better understand the details of the Food Science and engineering major. At last, we took pictures just like a warm family.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)